2023 Programme


Imagining Sustainability 



12 September 2023 | 08h00 – 17h00
Day 1

Time (SAST)ActivityVenue Details
07h00 – 08h30Exhibitors Set-UpFoyerChinua Achebe Auditorium,
Level 6
08h30 – 09h00Registration/ Tea & CoffeeFoyerChinua Achebe Auditorium,
09h00– 09h10Welcome, Introductions and Order of the DayAlrina de Bruyn, Director, UJ Library
Reneka Panday, UJ Library
Chinua Achebe Auditorium,
Level 6
09h10 – 10h30

Open Day For Exhibitors

1. Springer Nature

2. Worldwide Information Services

3. Elsevier



6. Clarivate

7. UJ Press

8. KWAZINTO African Crafts

9. VK Innovations

10. The Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment

11. The Centre of Ecological Intelligence, UJ

12. The Faculty of Art Design and Architecture (FADA)- Jewellery Design and Manufacture, UJ

13. UJ Library MakerSpace

14. UJ Library Virtual Reality
10h30 – 11h00TEA/ COFFEE (Chinua Achebe Auditorium,Level 6)
10h45– 11h00 Performance UJ Library Choir
11h30 – 12h30Workshops In Designated Venues
Workshop Titles
1. Clarivate
Title of Workshop: Empowering Minds, Igniting Discoveries: Unlocking the Secrets to Effective Research Support!
Presenter: Samantha Bennett, Senior Customer Education Trainer

2. WorldWide Information Services (WWIS)
Title of Workshop: The librarian in support of the researcher: Exploring emerging AI-driven tools to support topic discovery and manage information overload
Presenter: Kirstin Krauss (PhD), Research Advisor, WWIS.

Title of Workshop: Preserving the quality of research through technology.
Presenter: Bronwyn Rassmann : Director of SAAS and Innovation – Sub Saharan Africa and Mosebjadi Petje: Regional Sales Manager for EBSCO Sub-Saharan Africa.

Title of Workshop: New Ventures and Products in African Research that Support Sustainability and Empower Libraries in the World Today. Presented by Jean Nell and Christelle Vermaak

5. Elsevier
Title of Workshop: Advancing the research process…machine learning and artificial intelligence to improve research efficiency
Presenter: Daneshree Moodley and John Sterley

6. Title of Workshop: Defining a model for Interdisciplinary collaboration
Participating departments: Jewellery Design, Industrial Design, Fashion Design and UJ Library Makerspace

7. Virtual Reality Lab
Presenter: Thabang Kekae
Chinua Achebe Auditorium,
Level 6

Training Room, Level 2

Alan Paton Auditorium,
Level 3

Eskia Mphahlele
Level 2

Ben Okri,
Level 1

Zakes Mda,
Level 1

Andre Brink,
Level 2

12h30 – 14h00LUNCH (Nadine Gordimer Auditorium, Level 5 )
14h15 – 15h15


1. Title of Workshop:Three things to bring the students back to your training.
Presenter: Professor Maria Frahm-Arp, Executive Director, UJ Library

2. Title of Workshop: Let’s play-An interactive session on gaming in education.
Presenter: Dr Herman Myburgh, Senior Lecturer, Institute of Intelligent Systems, University of Johannesburg

3. Title of Workshop: Introduction to Systematic Review.
Presenter: Winkie Siebane, Information Specialist, University of Pretoria Medical School and Kedibone Moagi, Information Librarian, Faculty of Humanities, UJ

4. Title of Workshop:The role of information literacy to overcome information poverty.
Presenters: Dr Elize du Toit, Specialist Librarian: Teaching and Learning, UJ Library

5. Title of Workshop: The Online Book Exhibition
Presenters: Janina van der Westhuizen, Manager: Technical Services, UJ Library

6. Title of Workshop: How to give your Librarian a more online presence.
Presenter: Pavlinka Kovatcheva, Faculty Librarian: Science, UJ Library
Alan Paton Auditorium,
Level 3

Eskia Mphahlele
Level 2

Ben Okri
Level 1

Andre Brink
Level 2

Zakes Mda,
Level 1

Training Room,
level 2



(Nadine Gordimer Auditorium, Level 5 )

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13 September 2023 | 08h00 – 17h00
Day 2

Programme Director: Zoya Mabuto-Mokoditoa

Time (SAST)TopicSpeaker
08h00 – 08h30Technical Dry Run | Registration for in-person delegatesTechnical /Events Team
09h00 – 09h20Opening and Welcome

Professor Sarah Gravett. Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research and Innovation, University of Johannesburg
09h20 – 10h20Introduction to the Conference and Keynote Speaker
Professor Maria Frahm-Arp, Executive Director, UJ Library
Title of talk: Sustainable, Impactful Research and the Role of Libraries in 4IR
10h20 -10h40 Tea / Coffee (Chinua Achebe Auditorium,Level 6)
10h40 – 11h50

SESSION 1: Budgets and Sustainable Libraries ("Promoting Sustainability: Budgets and Libraries”)

Facilitator: Professor Maria Frahm-Arp

1. Glenn Truran- Director: South African National Library and Information Consortium (SANLiC).

2. Dr Mathew Moyo– Chief Director, Library and Information Service, North-West University (NWU)

3. Veronica Klipp– Publisher, Wits University Press
11h50 – 12h50

Keynote Speaker

Professor Earl B Givens, Jr. - Director of Library Services, Catawba College, Salisbury, North Carolina, United States.
Title of talk: From Strategy to Culture: Building Sustainability into Library Organizations.
12h50 – 13h45LUNCH (Nadine Gordimer Auditorium,Level 5)
14h00 – 15h00

Session 2: Supporting Research into SDG’s in the 4IR.

Facilitator: Ivy Segoe- Research Librarian, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.

1. Polly Boruff Jones - Dean of University Libraries, Oakland University, Michigan, United States. (virtual).

2. Dr Anthony Kaziboni - Head of Research at the Institute for the Future of Knowledge, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

3. Ivy Segoe - Research Librarian, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.

4. Professor M Madhan - Professor of Library Science and Director, Global Library at Jindal Global University based in Sonipat, India (Virtual)

5. Professor Nelago Indongo -Director, Multidisciplinary Research Centre, the University of Namibia. Prof Indongo is a member of the Steering Committee of our ACU Higher Education and the SDGs Network and the lead for the thematic area of research (Virtual)

6. Professor Labode Popoola- Professor of Forest Economy and Sustainable Development, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. (Virtual)

Q&A Session
15h00– 15h15Tea/Coffee(Chinua Achebe Auditorium,Level 6)
15h15 – 16h15

SESSION 3: Re-Imagining Sustainable Libraries

Facilitator: Frederick Mavunduse, Campus Librarian, UJ

1. Ed Fay - Director of Library Services and University Librarian – University of Bristol, England. (Virtual).

2. Kelvin Watson - Executive Director, Library District Administrative Offices, Las Vegas-Clark County Library, Las Vegas. (Virtual)

3. Rebekkah Smith Aldrich -Executive Director at Mid-Hudson Library System, New York. Rebekkah is an active member of the American Library Association (ALA), most recently chairing the new ALA Council Committee on Sustainability (Virtual)

4. Jon Ray – Director of Environmental Sustainability, Wiley (Virtual)

5. Lazarus Matizirofa –Associate Director: Research, Scholarly Communication, Digital Systems & Services, Department of Library Services, Wits University, South Africa.

Q&A Session
CLOSING REMARKS: Zoya Mabuto-Mokoditoa
The founder of ZoyaSpeaks - a leadership development entity. She is a professional speaker, Corporate MC, Facilitator, and Personal Mastery Coach
Zoya Mabuto-Mokoditoa
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research and Innovation, University of Johannesburg
Prof. Sarah Gravett
Executive Director of the Library and Information Centre at the University of Johannesburg (UJ).
Prof. Maria Frahm-Arp

Keynote Speaker

Director: South African National Library and Information Consortium (SANLiC), South Africa
Glenn Truran
Chief Director, Library and Information Service, North-West University (NWU), South Africa.
Dr Mathew Moyo
Publisher, Wits University Press, South Africa
Veronica Klipp
Director of Library Services, Catawba College, Salisbury, North Carolina, United States.
Prof. Earl B Givens, Jr

Keynote Speaker

Dean of University Libraries, Oakland University, Michigan, United States
Polly Boruff Jones
Head of Research at the Institute for the Future of Knowledge, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Dr Anthony Kaziboni
Research Librarian, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
Ivy Segoe


Professor of Library Science and Director, Global Library at Jindal Global University based in Sonipat, India.
Prof. M Madhan
Director, Multidisciplinary Research Centre, the University of Namibia. Prof Indongo is a member of the Steering Committee of our ACU Higher Education and the SDGs Network and the lead for the thematic area of research
Prof. Nelago Indongo
Professor of Forest Economy and Sustainable Development, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Prof. Labode Popoola
Campus Librarian, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
Frederick Mavunduse


Director of Library Services and University Librarian – University of Bristol, England
Ed Fay
Executive Director, Library District Administrative Offices, Las Vegas-Clark County Library, Las Vegas
Kelvin Watson
Executive Director at Mid-Hudson Library System, New York. Rebekkah is an active member of the American Library Association (ALA), most recently chairing the new ALA Council Committee on Sustainability
Rebekkah Smith Aldrich
Director of Environmental Sustainability, Wiley
Jon Ray
Associate Director: Research, Scholarly Communication, Digital Systems & Services, Department of Library Services, Wits University, South Africa.
Lazarus Matizirofa


Keynote Presentation ( Professor Maria Frahm-Arp)
Keynote Presentation ( Professor Earl B Givens, Jr.)

UJ Library Conference 2023 - Imagining Sustainability Videos

UJ Library Conference 2023 - Imagining Sustainability - Welcome Address - Prof Sarah Gravett
UJ Library International Conference - Imagining Sustainability - Re-Imagining Sustainable Libraries
UJ Library - Prof Maria Frahm-Arp, Sustainable, Impactful Research and the Role of Libraries in 4IR
Prof Earl B Givens, Jr. From Strategy to Culture: Building Sustainability into Library Organization
UJ Library - Imagining Sustainability - Panel Discussion - Supporting Research into SDG's in the 4IR
2023 Conference - Imagining Sustainability - Panel Discussion on Budgets and Sustainable Libraries.
UJ Library - International Conference 2023 - Imagining Sustainability - Highlights