

The one without a home?: Close relations between nyaope use and homelessness


15:00 – 16:30​


Online via the Zoom link

The Sociology, Anthropology, Development Studies Seminar Series in partnership with the UJ Library invites you to a Zoom seminar by Keketso Peete who will be presenting:
The one without a home?: Close relations between nyaope use and homelessness

Keketso Peete is a PhD candidate at Wits University, Department of Social Anthropology and a contributing author in the book Opioids in South Africa: Towards a policy of harm reduction. In this presentation he aims to challenge the stereotypical ways in which people who use nyaope are perceived by introducing a new concept of the body to explain how and why these stereotypes emerge and become attached to certain people
in society.

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The one without a home?: Close relations between nyaope use and homelessness

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